Got problems?

What we think is the problem is rarely the problem.

The problem is how we are thinking about it.

Think about whatever is going on for you now that you deem a "problem."

Separate the FACTS from your thoughts about the situation.

Doing this is where many of my clients get stuck in the beginning because they think that their perspective is a fact, and it's not.

I say this with all of my compassion because I know how difficult that can be to come to understand.

We like to hold on to our stories of how we were hurt, but even when that is true, holding onto it doesn't serve you.

It keeps you stuck in this cycle of thinking, until you get to the point of believing that you are just not one of the lucky ones, and it's NOT TRUE.

When you can remove your emotions, views, and biases, you see the situation for what it is.

You get to see that it's not the fact but your feelings causing you anger, frustration, etc.

That's not to say that you don't want to have feelings.

Of course, you do!

Just notice that those feeling are your choices. All of your emotions are valid and necessary as a human being.

Emotional management is life management; this is a small example of the work I do with my clients.

If you're looking for clarity in certain areas of your life, and are tired of doing it on your own, book your discovery call with me today.

Have a beautiful day!


What Is Procrastination Costing You?


Thoughts are Choices