Want to Feel More Confident in Your Decisions?

Own your decisions, right or wrong, because the truth is that there are no bad decisions.

Yes, you read that correctly. Let me explain.

What makes a decision "wrong" are your thoughts about it. 

Take an important decision that you've made in the past that didn't turn out in a way you would have liked or hoped.

What did you learn about the situation and yourself personally that you wouldn't have otherwise?

How are you better off today with that knowledge? The negative outcome may have (and usually does) led you to a new understanding of how you can support yourself better in the future.

There is also a cost to not making a decision. It's time spent. 

Let's say you don't know whether you want to accept a new job offer and can’t make a decision because you just need to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it's the right one. Spinning and delaying decisions just creates more indecision and decision fatigue.

You will only know if it's the right decision once you make it. 

Decisions are neutral. They aren't good or bad, right or wrong. Either way, YOU get to decide it is the right decision. Either way, YOU get to be happy because you choose to be. 

All the other thoughts that keep you stuck in thinking Will this make me happy and Is this the right choice, will fall away because the only way to know for sure is by taking action instead of spinning in inaction.

Woulda, coulda, shoulda, is a waste of your time and energy. And your time and energy are valuable.

Stop putting pressure on the decision and instead place the emphasis on who you are being and how you want to show up for yourself.

What choice would you make then? 

Learning to lean into your inner wisdom and intuition with decision-making is just one of the many ways life coaching can help you.

As your coach, I help you learn how to lean into supporting yourself more fully.

Want to learn more about working together? Book a consult by clicking below.

Have a beautiful day!



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