Feng Shui + Your WFH Desk


Do you feel unmotivated these days to get work done, or is your day a never-ending stream of calls and meetings?

Regardless of which of these categories you fall into, you might be surprised to know that your desk and where it’s placed in your home has a big impact on your productivity.

Now more so than ever because we are all working from home all day every day.

I have noticed in my work with previous clients, that the ones who don’t have a desk and just sit on their coach with their laptops tend to be the ones that don’t feel motivated. My belief from a Feng Shui perspective is that the reason for this is they are lacking motivation and structure. A desk quite simply helps in giving you structure. It says, what I do is important and means something. Then you move on to the people who have desks and either have them in their bedroom, facing a wall, (or as in the lovely image above) facing a window. All no-no’s btw.

Now don’t roll your eyes yet, if you haven’t already. 😊 Feng Shui is about the energy in your home and maximizing the flow of that energy. Yes, there are many instances (usually because of lack of space) where you can argue that it is necessary for your desk to be where it is. That can and may be true. However, if you’re reading this post it’s because you’re interested in Feng Shui and want to maximize feeling well and productive while WFH. Usually there is some spot in your home that could be better suited for your desk.

What is recommended for a desk at home?

Place your desk in the command position of the room.

This means that when you’re seated at your desk you can see the door. You don’t want to be in-line with it but have a clear view. This energetically represents opportunity coming to you and seeing things clearly as they come up. If you absolutely can’t have this placement then put a small mirror on your desk so you can see the door, or entryway behind you.

Desk facing a window.

The main issue with having your desk placed in front of a window is that it’s distracting. Some people will say to me well I need the light. My answer is if you need light then get a lamp! Not only is the window a distraction it is also what is called in Feng Shui an energy leak. Windows, like doorways, are energy paths. Sitting in front of a window is equal to constantly having rushing energy pass through and around you. It’s not the most nourishing place to be seated.


Unless it’s a situation like the one I just mentioned, never place a mirror in front of you or behind you while you’re at your desk. The reason being mirrors are active and they double what they reflect. Having a mirror facing you while you’re working can lead you feel like work is never ending, or your workload is doubled.

Have a solid wall behind your back.

It’s important because it creates support. Support for yourself and support from others. If you’re facing the wall you may feel like there are obstacles that you can’t overcome, that you’re constantly up against the wall with deadlines, or perhaps you’re in a dead-end situation. For those that can’t move the desk to another position, have a picture in front of you on the wall that has depth. Examples could be a path in a forest or a view of the ocean.

Clear desk clutter.

There are many studies proving how clutter can affect a person’s mental state. Anything from depression to feeling overwhelmed and anxious. Do yourself a favor and spend time at least once a week clearing up, filing, and tossing what’s on your desk.


This is so important and yet usually forgotten. Light will help with your personal energy levels. It’s an easy way to activate this part of your space. Turn it on!

Uplifting personal items.

Awards, diplomas, family photos, inspirational quotes. Whatever gets those good vibes going, have it on your desk.

Finally, even though I practice classical Feng Shui I do like to use what western Feng Shui does for desks. That is, they lay the bagua over their desk. It just seems practical to me.

Feng Shui Bagua

Each section represents a life aspiration. You can use this as a tool so that when you’re seated at your desk (you will be North) and map out what areas of your desk you want to activate. So, if you want to active love and relationships, you could add pictures of your spouse or partner. If you’re not in a relationship but would like to be in one, you can add something that represents love for you. An example could be a small copy of Klimt’s The Kiss.

The upper left of your desk would be the Southeast which represents wealth. You could add something that represents wealth for you. You could also add a plant like jade, African violet, or a money tree plant.

The middle left of your desk, a family photo. You get the picture!

So there you have it, my Feng Shui desk WFH ideas. Hope this helps and inspires some of you to rethink your working spaces.


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